Posts Tagged '#MillionsMissing'

#Millions Missing

Millions of people are missing from everyday life because of Millions Missing from research and Millions Missing of appropriately educated healthcare professionals to care for patients

The #Millions Missing demonstration will take place on 25 May 2016 in select locations across the globe.

#MillionsMissing ME/CFS Protest Demands

  1. Increased Funding and Program Investments

Funding and program investments commensurate with the disease burden

  1. Clinical Trials

Clinical trials to secure medical treatments for ME/CFS

  1. Accurate Medical Education

Replacement of misinformation with accurate medical education and clinical guidelines

  1. A Serious Commitment

HHS leadership, oversight and a serious commitment to urgently address ME/CFS

#MEAction has posted the rationale for the demands.


There is an open community meeting hosted by MEAction on

Wed. May 11th, 2-3:30 pm EDT

to discuss the demands and

hear any questions or concerns you have about them.

More info and call sign-up here:

MEAction says “We are thinking of these demands as a living document. We plan that after the protests (May 25) it will evolve as we get input from the community. will set up a mechanism for receiving that community input. This task, and the evolution of the demands document, will happen after the protests, simply because we lack the capacity to do it while we are organizing the protests.”

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